####################################################################### # # # Example: Using auxillary pair potentials with Tersoff's C-Si # # # ####################################################################### # # # This file gives an example of how use auxillary pair potentials # # with Tersoff's C-Si potential. The energies and forces due to # # these pair potentials are summed with the energy and forces due # # to the Tersoff C-Si potential. Pair potentials may be specified # # between one or more pairs atom types - each such pair of atoms # # will require its own potential. # # # # The pair potential is entered as a polynomial of the form # # # # 2 3 n+1 # # f(r) = a u + a u + ... + a u # # 2 3 n+1 # # # # where u = rc-r. This polyomial form provides a simple and # # compact specification while insuring that the potential # # has a smooth cutoff of the r=rc. # # # # The syntax of the pair potential command is # # # # POTENTIAL PAIR t1 t2 n rc a2 [a3 .. an+1] # # # # where # # # # t1,t2 are the atom types. # # n is the number of polymial terms. # # rc is the pair potential cutoff in units of angtroms. # # a2 is the first term, it is the coefficient of u^2. # # It's units are (eunit/cm^2) where eunit is specified # # by the EUNIT command. The default value for eunit # # is Kelvin. # # a3 is the optional second term, the coefficient of u^3 # # It's units are (eunit/cm^3). # # an+1 is the optional n'th term, the coefficient of u^(n+1) # # It's units are (eunit/cm^(n+1)). # # # ####################################################################### # Switch on Tersoff C-Si potential potential set tersoff # Use old neighbor search algorithm to accomodate small atomic array nsearch sort # Set up some useful constants for this potential calc C=1 calc Si=2 calc Al=3 calc MassC=12.01 calc MassSi=28.086 calc MassAl=26.982 calc A0=4.32 calc DTIME=0.8e-15 # Add pair potentials calc NCOEFF=1 calc CUTOFF=3.0 calc COEFF=5e18 potential pair C Al NCOEFF CUTOFF COEFF potential pair Si Al NCOEFF CUTOFF COEFF potential pair Al Al NCOEFF CUTOFF COEFF # Form diamond unit cell box 2 2 2 particle 8 C 0.125 0.125 0.125 C 0.125 0.625 0.625 C 0.625 0.125 0.625 Al 0.625 0.625 0.125 Si 0.375 0.375 0.375 Si 0.375 0.875 0.875 Si 0.875 0.375 0.875 Al 0.875 0.875 0.375 dup 1 1 0 0 dup 1 0 1 0 dup 1 0 0 1 # Scale to the unit cell length of diamond CSi scale 4.32 # Set particle masses select type C mass MassC select type Si mass MassSi select type Al mass MassAl # Set simulation step size dtime DTIME # Instruct XMD to save energy every CMD step in file csi.e esave 1 csipair.e # Initialize velocities to 1000K itemp 1000 # Set clamp off (adiabatic simulation) clamp off # Equilibrate particles for 500 step write cor +csipair.cor repeat 50 cmd 10 write cor +csipair.cor end