XMD is a computer program for performing molecular dynamics simulations.
It is designed for the simulation of metals and ceramics.
It has the following features.
- Computer System
- C source code is availble for easy porting to a variety of computers.
- Can be compiled using POSIX thread functions to take advantage
of multi-CPU computers.
- Molecular Dynamics
- Constant temperature using velocity re-scaling algorithm
(CLAMP command).
- Constant pressure using either Andersen's algorithm or
a simple volume "rescaling" algorithm suitable for
lattice constant versus temperature calculations.
(PRESSURE command).
- Efficient system relaxation (local minima) algorithm (QUENCH command).
- Constrain selected atoms to remain fixed in space (FIX command).
- Constrain selected atoms to remain in a line or plane (CONSTRAIN command).
- Apply an unique external force to individual atoms (EXTFORCE command).
- Tether selected atoms to their initial positions with springs of
various spring constants (EXTSPRING command).
- Apply velocity damping coefficients to selected atoms (DAMP command).
- Uses pair potential, Embedded Atom Method potentials (EAM),
Tersoff's Silicon-Carbide potential or Stillinger-Weber Si potential.
- Program Input
- All program actions are controlled by commands read from one or more
text files.
- A macro processor lets you enter strings from the command line
or define strings within the command file (MACRO command).
- A built-in calculator with variables that can be used with all number
input (CALC command).
- Input file instruct the reading of another input file (READ command).
- Flexible creation (FILL command) and editing of atomic structures.
- Select subsets of atoms using a variety of patterns (SELECT, SET and TAG
- Perform actions on selected atoms, such as moving them (MOVE),
inserting defects (SCREW, WAVE), setting atom type (TYPE), setting atom
mass (MASS), rotating selected atoms (ROTATE), etc.
- Some commands (MOVE, DAMP, EXTFORCE and EXTSPRING) allow input values
to be a function of atomic coordinates.
- Program Output
- Save the complete simulation state for later continuation (WRITE STATE
- Accumulate system energies (ESAVE and WRITE ENERGY commands), atomic
stress (SSAVE and WRITE STRESS commands), atom coordinates (WRITE
PARTICLE command) and other information to text files during simulation.
- Coordinates can be stored in special compact format (RCV or COR
commands) for later use with companion programs such as WMOVIEC which
produces movies.
- Save atomic coordinates in a Protein Data Bank file for use with
display software such as MSI's Cerius2 (WRITE PDB command),
or standard XYZ format (WRITE XYZ command).
- Built-in plotting routines for plotting atom configuration in color on
a Postscript device (PLOT command).