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EAM potentials


Here are links to EAM potential files. They are in a format which can be read by XMD. (information on the format).

Developed by Steve Chen, University of Connecticut.

From R. A. Johnson 3, modified to have smooth cutoff.

From R. A. Johnson 3, modified to have smooth cutoff.

From V. Shastry and D. Farkas 4.

Developed at University of Connecticut 6.

Developed by A.F Voter and S.P. Chen at Los Alamos 1,2.

Developed by M. I. Baskes et al. 5.

Developed at University of Connecticut 6.

External Links

EAM potential files at other sites.


  1. A.F. Voter and S.P. Chen, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 82, 175 (1987). "Accurate Interatomic Potentials for Ni, Al, and Ni3Al".

  2. A.F. Voter, in Intermetallic Compounds: Principles and Practice, edited by J.H. Westbrook and R.L. Fleischer, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, 1995), Vol. 1, p. 77. "The Embedded Atom Method" (This paper gives complete details of the fit).

  3. R. A. Johnson, Phys Rev B 37 (8) 3924 (15 March 1988-I).

  4. Shastry, V. and Farkas, D., Molecular Statics Simulation of Crack Propagation in alpha-Fe Using EAM Potentials , MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS.

  5. M. I. Bases et al., Atomistic Calculations of Hydrogen Interactions with Ni3Al Grain Boundaries and Ni/Ni3Al Interfaces , Sandia Report SAND94-8741, January 1995.

  6. J. A. Rifkin, C. S. Becquart, D. Kim, P. C. Clapp, Dislocation Generation and Crack Propagation in Metals Examined in Molecular Dynamics Simulations, MRS Symp. Proc. "Computational Methods in Materials Science", Vol 278, Page 173, 1992.